M Crystals

Grounding - protection - inner strength

Mahogany Obsidian

Mahogany-Obsidian has a soft and gentle energy that will ground and protect you in your relationship. It will help you get rid of your feelings of unworthiness.

The energies of this stone will also help you heal from any kind of emotional trauma. Mahogany-Obsidian is an excellent stone to use to absorb negativity in a space.

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awareness - healing - intuition


Mookaite jasper sharpens your intuition sensing that wise inner voice to just know.

Reawakens your inner spirit the sensible part ofyourself that knows the way to the light.

Mellow calm vibes. Espresso for the soul. Very mother earth vibes.

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Nature - Growth - Connection

Moss Agate

Moss Agate has a deep connection to nature as implied by its moss like markings throughout the translucent stone. It is the perfect stone for botanists and gardeners.

Moss Agate is a stone of growth for not just plants however. On an emotional level, it assists in strengthening our self-esteem and positive personality traits.

It helps releases our hidden fears and deep seated stress and depression. Moss Agate encourages us to believe that new beginnings.

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inspiration - New beginning - intuition


Moonstone is often referred to as "The Goddess Stone." Directly connected to the moon, it has a very feminine energy that is cyclical in nature just as a women's cycle.

It has a very soothing energy that calms our emotions, by releasing energy blockages that prevent us from being able to remain composed and balanced while we are experiencing emotional highs and lows and by encouraging us to accept our emotions as they come without dwelling on them or judging ourselves too harshly.

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Protection - healing - transfoRmation


Malachite is a protective stone which in Folklore, is said to ward off negative and ill energies, with its swirling patterns that may resemble eyes.

Kept during pregnancy, offers protective strength and relief during childbirth, it’s energy strongly connects with female sexual health and our reproductive system, getting it’s name of the Midwifes Stone.

Malachite reveals the truth about oneself and brings to the surface that which is unknown or unseen to the conscious mind.

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